On 16th March the Most Illustrious Grand Sovereign supported by a team of acting officers of Grand Imperial Conclave paid a visit to Wythenshawe Conclave No 163 for a multi-faceted evening. Over 70 Knights were in attendance from the Conclave, Division, neighbouring Divisions and Grand Imperial Conclave including 12 members of the Grand Sepulchre Guard.

The proceedings commenced with the Installation of a new Knight – Wy Kt Alan Bardsley who received the accolade from the Grand Sovereign. The ceremony was performed to a high standard by members of the Conclave with the assistance of some acting Divisional Officers.

That part of the proceedings having been concluded the Most Illustrious Grand Sovereign then proceeded to confirm in office R Ill Kt Michael Frederick John Baptist as the Intendant -General for Cheshire., that matter having been deferred from the Divisional Meeting in October 2021 as the Intendant-General elect was struck down by Covid-19 a few days before the meeting was scheduled to take place.

The final part of the formal proceedings was the Centenary Celebration of the Conclave, also deferred from May 2020 owing to the suspension of Masonic activity. Unfortunately the Conclave historian, Ill Kt Shaun Crutchley P.G.Chamb was unable to be present and a brief resume of the first 100 years of the Conclave was given by Ill Kt Albert Elliott P.G.S.B.(L) the Divisional Recorder and member of the Conclave. History books were presented to all in attendance at the Festive Board

The Most Illustrious Grand Sovereign also presented and explained the Red Cross certificate to three new knights of the Order all of whom had been Installed since the easing of restrictions.

V Ill Kt Peter Booth P G H Chanc was presented with a Diploma of Merit by the Intendant-General to mark his many years of service to Red Cross masonry in general and the Division of Cheshire in particular.

Donations totalling £1,500 from the Conclave and the Division were presented to the Most Illustrious Grand Sovereign for the Grand Sovereign’s Care for Children Fund.

The attached photograph shows (left to right) V Ill Kt Jonathan Roberts, Grand Junior General, the Most Illustrious Grand Sovereign Graham L Flight, P Kt Barrie Stuart Sant, Most Puissant Sovereign of Wythenshawe Conclave No 163, R Ill Kt Michael Frederick John Baptist, Intendant-General for the Division of Cheshire and Ill Kt David Allan Williams P.G.Chamb, Deputy Intendant-General

Grand Sovereign supported by a team of acting officers of Grand Imperial Conclave paid a visit to Wythenshawe Conclave No 163 for a multi-faceted evening 16.03.2023

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